Sunday, February 22, 2015

Random Oscar Thoughts, Bored Shitless...

Oscar Sunday Day is my least favorite time in this season. The analysis of categories is at a fever pitch and the red carpet is just grotesque, a meat market. Why doesn't anyone talk about objectification w/ this?

I'm ready for the show and the wins, hopefully many I'm pulling for. But a last minute gut feeling is that Bradley Cooper may win. It may not be likely, and I cooled on this idea awhile back, but just hit me this morning.

The other observation: Patricia Arquette has man-hands. Watch when she grabs her Oscar, you'll see...

On with the show...

1 comment:

  1. Heya MsMaven!! My name is James!! Hope you're having a delightful evening. I have NO idea if you still check this at all, but I came across your Instagram actually and have an incredibly silly random off the wall question/chat for you, but.... I have no idea if you have some simple non intrusive way to message or contact you. Haha So if you see this, great lemme know!! If not then, well maybe I'll figure out something on instagram or something. CHEERS!!

